Major Aspects of Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy is a laparoscopic weight loss procedure. The surgeon places five to six small incisions in the abdomen region and performs the bariatric surgery with the aid of a video camera, also known as a laparoscope. High precision surgical tools are inserted through these small incisions to perform the procedure.

The laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or LSG technique can remove almost 75 percent of the stomach leaving behind a narrow gastric “sleeve” or “tube.”

The intestine is left untouched during the sleeve gastrectomy. This surgery requires one to two hours inside the operating room. Accomplished bariatric surgeon Dr. Wiljon Beltre provides weight loss procedures to patients in Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and surrounding communities and cities in this part of the southeastern portion of the US.

How does Weight Loss Occur with Sleeve Gastrectomy?

The Sleeve gastrectomy procedure is restrictive. It significantly decreases the size of the stomach. This reduction limits the quantity of food that can be consumed in one instance.

This procedure does not lead to a reduction in the absorption of nutrients or bypassing the intestines. Even after consuming small quantities of food, you will remain full and feel satisfied for many hours.

This bariatric surgery procedure can also reduce the appetite. Furthermore, sleeve gastrectomy not only decreases the size of the stomach but also reduces the production of the “hunger hormone” generated by the stomach. This reduction also contributes to weight loss after the sleeve gastrectomy procedure.

Advantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy

Several obesity related co-morbidities resolve or improve after a bariatric procedure. Obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes, hypertension, and abnormal cholesterol levels are significantly better or are alleviated in over 75 percent of patients after a bariatric procedure.

Some benefits of the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy procedure are:

  • Can cause significant weight reduction, and average weight-loss of 66 percent of the excess weight is eliminated
  • Can create major improvement in someone’s health condition caused by obesity
  • Does not use artificial objects such as the gastric bypass procedure, and does not make alterations to the digestive system
  • Minimally-invasive procedure that warrants a short hospital stay
  • Leads to essential alterations in the hormones and digestive organs that cause decreased hunger and better metabolism
  • Permanent procedure with no further surgeries or readjustments


Research indicates that the sleeve gastrectomy procedure is as efficient as the Roux-en-Y bypass surgery for weight reduction and controlling diabetes. Furthermore, evidence shows that the sleeve improves type 2 diabetes along with weight loss (just like the gastric bypass procedure.) The risk of complications in sleeve gastrectomy could be somewhere between a Roux-en-Y and adjustable gastric band procedures.


Bariatric and metabolic procedures are safer than other commonly performed surgeries such as the gall bladder surgery. Sleeve gastrectomy procedure is typically performed in stages. Patients who have a very high body mass index (BMI) or who are at risk for undergoing anesthesia or a longer procedure due to heart or lung problems may benefit from this staged approach because it is safer.

Dependable bariatric surgeon Dr. Wiljon Beltre receives patients from Orlando, Tampa, Maitland, Central Florida, and other nearby areas in this glowing part of the country for weight loss procedures.

Important Note: If the weight is regained, diabetes and other conditions could return.

To find out more about the procedures & treatments performed by Orlando Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. Wiljon Beltre, at The Center for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery Call 321-499-6505 or Click Here to Schedule a Consultation.

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